Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Wow. Eek. Goddd.

Er, well, where to start. How much should I say? Would a list help? I think a list would help.

1) Cambridge yesterday. NO contest, all thoughts of Oxford are gone gone gone. I've had great fun telling people I've fallen in love with Jesus, but that joke will soon get old.
2) But really, I have fallen in love with Jesus, and that's not good because getting my hopes up in this way is just...not wise. Not at this stage, where I've probably screwed up history and anyway all the other classicists at the open day were cleverer than me. But Dr Clackson was Such. A. God. And it's really beautiful. And Annieshutupnow.
3) Before that though, it was the classics dinner on Monday. And oh it was fantastic. There was food, there was wine, there was Mr L drunk as a skunk which is ALWAYS an amazing sight. Rumour has it he once got so smashed in a pub that he stood on a table and yelled "SUM PIUS AENEAS!" Unfortunately nothing like that happened on Monday, but he did slag off a lot of teachers and talk about philosophy in that beautifully stupid way drunk people do.
4) I was not drunk, but merry. My toast (which I was forced into making) was: "I am brilliant. Classics is brilliant. Prawns are brilliant." I personally think it's very poignant.

5) And at the end of the night, I somehow ended up sitting next to Dominic, and we, well, we got talking, as in talking properly. In fact we didn't stop talking until I suddenly looked at my watch and saw that if I didn't leave, like, NOW I'd miss the last train (and I had to go to Cambridge the next day), and it was really awful because I didn't want to leave. Then he walked with me to the tube station and it was dark and raining and windy, and it was at that point that, FINALLY, it all came out - both of us said exactly how we felt, with none of the stupid coyness and awkwardness of the past month, and I think we both wanted to say more but we were standing on the platform and my tube was just THERE, I didn't want to go and he hugged me and that seemed to last a very long time. Then I really had to get on the tube, so I did - but it didn't matter anyway because I still missed the last train at Victoria.

6) I waited at Victoria for an hour, sitting with some family that consisted of a mum, a dad and about fifteen sleeping children. It was surreal.
7) Eventually a train came that took me to a station that was an hour away from my house.
8) It was cold. It was raining. I walked all the way home.

1 comment:

Em said...

Cambridge is the awesomest thing ever to awesome. And they'll LOVE you. Go for it!

Glad to hear you've accepted Jesus into your heart, also. ;)

I don't know, er, anything about the Dominic situation, but it sounds like that was a good thing that happened, so I'm glad and *hugs* for you.

You are brilliant. Classics is brilliant. I'll pass on the prawns, but Char might be interested. ;)