Friday, 18 May 2007

So I finally did it. Again.

Having resisted for over three months now, I've gone and done it, gone and got YET another blog despite the fact that I KNOW I'm rubbish at keeping blogs. Of the five thousand or so blogs that have been created by me over the years, about two have more than one entry in them. All have been abandoned after a few weeks, mainly because...I don't know, maybe because I'm just an idiot? Because I'm one of those old-fashioned types who finds it easier to commit to a proper, real-life, notebook journal than this kind of virtual 21st-century thing? Computers make me a bit queasy, which is stupid really considering the amount of time I've been spending on them recently. I have an English exam in exactly one week, there are still a few sonnets by Shakespeare that I barely know, and what do I do? I waste time getting a blog I'm unlikely to commit to. But then..."Time you enjoy wasting was not wasted", as said by John Lennon, T.S.Eliot or Bertrand Russell, depending who on the internet you want to believe. So...

^That, folks, was my first paragraph, and that is usually another reason why I abandon blogs: rubbish first paragraphs.

I also abandon blogs because of the terrible names I create for them and this is no exception. This name IN NO WAY AT ALL reflects who I am, really, because

a) I am not a relatively unknown suffragette from the Women's Freedom League who in 1909 hired an airship and flew over the Houses of Parliament throwing out carrots and Votes For Women propaganda leaflets, and

b) I really hate the women's suffrage movement. Specifically, I hate learning about it - sure, it's great what they did for women and everything, but when it comes down to it, their alliances with Labour/the Liberals/whoever, and their pious little war duties, and even their hunger-striking, window-smashing, throwing-themselves-under-horses days are just really, really DULL. (And here I am in my first entry blathering on about it all.)

But I gave myself this name because throwing carrots at the Houses of Parliament is kind of brilliant, and if I ever have to throw stuff at someone/something, I'll want it to be carrots.

So, moving on from that...I'm here because I tried Livejournal (many times), and also Diaryland (from the ages of 12-14) and Windows Live Spaces, but I've never had one of THESE, and they're pretty, and shiny, and maybe I'll stop being a blog slut and commit to this one. Although God only knows what I'll put in it - I get the feeling this is the kind of place for Mature Stuff, poetry or reviews or musings about current affairs, and not just for offloading the usual "waahwaaah school suuuuucks being a teenager suuuuuucks ooh biscuits" kind of thing. Maybe it'll be for poetry. Maybe I'll have an exciting mix of poetry and current affairs musings and snippets from my own WILDLY exciting life. (...Maybe this will be the last entry...) Or maybe it really will just be me and my rambling. Which, you know, is not so bad.

How do people end these things?

1 comment:

Em said...

Well, my current plan involves ending every entry with a poem. No doubt I'll eventually run out, but I'll deal with that when it happens...